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Not every coach is going to be right for you. A coach should be someone who listens to you and considers your wants and needs when delivering a service to you. Getting to know your coach to ensure that you will work well together is important. It is from their personal and professional experiences in the industry that will help you to decide that.


My personal health and fitness expereinces have been both good and bad. I've tried fad diets, over-exercised, tracked my calories for the wrong reasons, had anorexia, bulimia and orthorexia. From all of those habits I have learnt invaluable lessons and  have overcome them to now be where I am at today; healthy, happy, strong and nourishing my body in a balanced way.


I have competed as a bodybuilder and placed in every bikini division I stepped on stage for. With 6 x 1st places and 2 x 3rd places I am content and now focusing on helping others achieve their fitness dreams! 


Since becoming a PT I have expanded my knowledge to help even more people. Obtaining a nutrition coaching and pre & postnatal training qualification in order to better understand the body and how we can train to its optimal potential.

ABOUT: About Me



Feel confident and strong


Nourish you body


Train within your means

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